Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Abbott was the first Morgan stallion to stand at UConn. He was a rich, dark chestnut with a snip and a star on his face. He had quite a handsome head and lively, soulful eye.
He began his stud career at UConn in 1931.

There is an amusing story about Abbott and Dr. Al Cowan....No spoilers! Let's just say that horses are expert humblers!

Dr. Al Cowan was the head of the Animal Science Department at UConn for over 30 years. He passed away in 2009.

I had the distinct pleasure of talking with him via telephone several times; he had so many great stories about the horses in his life. He was one of the men responsible for bringing UC Ringmaster into the world. He was also the man who named the two-time World Champion. He knew, even when Ringmaster was a newborn, that the red colt would dominate the show ring.

Al Cowan really knew his horses.

Here's to you, Dr. Cowan! Thanks for the great conversations. You are missed.

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