Tuesday, March 26, 2013

UC Ringmaster print and updates!


Final photo permission came through, just need to draft a letter. Easy!

The text and illustrations are all formatted and looking pretty.

My editor meets with me on April 9 to get those dang chapter notes in. Oh, and the index.

Still on track for May for a publication-ready PDF!

In the meantime, work on my second book is nearly done. Here is my blog post on my UC Ringmaster print--I am offering it ahead of the book's publication. A portion of the proceeds will go to UConn's Morgan horse breeding program. It's my way of saying 'thank you' to my alma mater, in the memory of its greatest son, UC Ringmaster.

Go here to find out more:
UC Ringmaster print!

And as always, thank YOU.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Galloping along....

The book design moves forward.

My designer fired the afterburners this past weekend and got in ALL of the photos and ilustrations. He's also prettying it up and adding page embellishments and graphics.

This book looks GOOD.

Almost time to start my third book! YAY! (Watch for a big announcement--and new book blog!)

I think I am addicted to this whole 'book writing' thing.

Thanks for following along and cheering me on. Still shooting for May for a publication-ready PDF.

Here's my designer husband hard at work. Yes, that is Godzilla on his desk: