Thursday, February 23, 2012

yours truly as a young and bewildered UConn student...

...circa 1993. This was the year UC Ringmaster won his second World Championship. I remember reading about him and thinking how cool it was that UConn bred such an amazing horse.

This photo appeared in the UConn newspaper, The Daily Campus. They had a roving interviewer/photographer asking random students what they thought of the UConn library's construction being halted. I said something like "Well, I don't feel safe with that big ol' building wrapped up in a Hefty bag. They should finish that job right quick."

They printed this part of my response, however:

"It makes me feel increasingly unsteady, nervous and insecure."

True. It did.

The library was in a Hefty bag, though. Why? Because bricks were falling off of it. Ouch. So, yeah. I was a tad anxious any time I got near it.

My time at UConn changed my life. I made lifelong friends, had great fun and learned much.

Proud to be a Husky!

(the library has since been fixed)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Break's over!

Okie dokie, back to work!

Rough edit is printed off and is in the hands of some experts for a fact-check.

Then, edit edit edit edit. Still on track for an early-summer publisher search. I am accepting any and all suggestions. My Horse, My Heart is my first book--so I am kinda new at this!

Oh, and my dinner date at the Altnaveigh is happening this week. I'll be sure to tell you all about it! *smile*

Saturday, February 4, 2012

thank you... my best friend, my life partner, my soulmate, my husband, Steve Scanlon.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

and now, deep breaths...

I am taking a little break before moving on to the editing phase.

Today, I am getting reflexology and Papa Gino's pizza. In that order.

What the flip is reflexology? It's wonderful, is what it is. Google it.

Above is a wonderful compilation of some great Morgan stallions. Watch for early UConn herd stallions, Abbott and Canfield. Handsome guys.

Have a great day, everyone--and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!