Monday, December 5, 2011

writin' writin' writin'

....up to 37 chapters. Whew! *wipes brow*

Almost finished the chapter on Delmaytion Desire....and then, it's tweaking the UC Show Biz chapter.

Who do I have left?

UC Esther, UC Expectation, UC Aria, UC Carberry and the black stallion, UC Toronado.

...and a little more for the UVM Viking chapter.

There ya have it. Watch this space!


  1. UC Aria (aka "Grandma") is owned by barn manager Kathy Pelletier's daughter, Courtney. At least, she was last I heard (about two or three years ago was when Courtney purchased her). Don't know if you've talked to her about the book, but I'm sure she would be more than happy to share her stories.

    I used to ride the mare in lessons (in fact, she made a guest appearance in one of my improv group's many publicity videos -- she was an absolute star!), and she was a blast to ride.

  2. Liz, thank you for sharing your memories of Aria!
    Feel free to spread the word to friends and direct them here. Would love to know any and all stories about the great UConn horses.
    I've spoken with Kathy about Aria, now I need to bend Courtney's ear. :-)
    Thanks for your comment, have a great day,
