Saturday, October 20, 2012


My editor has informed me that she is HALFWAY done with the final draft!

*deep breath*

That's halfway to the design phase....

Okay, I have discovered that the journey from "writer" to "author" is a long one, filled with delightful little speed bumps and distractions.

Get this: I have re-written the WHOLE book about six times. Because, as Hemingway stated, "The first draft of anything is crap." He actually said a stronger word than "crap," but this is a family show and all.

I had to force myself to walk away from the final draft, slam the laptop SHUT and go out and have some fun already.

I printed it out, my Canon i9990 whizzing and clicking as it devoured about a gallon of black ink. I slapped myself when I felt the need to re-write something YET AGAIN. I forced myself to look away from the words on the monitor.

I gave the final draft to my beautiful editor. She e-mailed me and told me she was basically squealing with delight over it.

So, I figured squealing with delight is a good thing. I need to sit back and allow the final product to emerge, all burnished and gleaming.

My editor has a purple pen. That makes me smile.

The photo is of me  UC Doc Sanchez, junior herd stallion at UConn. He's an enchanting little bay, cute as a button and very polite. The above photo captures the exact moment he stole my heart. (Many thanks to my husband, Steve, for his photography prowess).

Many thanks also go  to Kayleigh Meyer for introducing me to "Sanny." He is a son of UC Doc Daniels--and he is totally handsome, sweet and utterly charming. I mean, hello? He's a stallion and I am just hanging out with him in his stall, like he is some kid's friendly little 4-H pony.

Those UConn Morgans are pretty special...

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