I think they'll take me to my grave with a pitchfork in my hand and a rub rag in my back pocket.
~Eddie Sweat, Secretariat's groom
Many wonder why a person would want to work with horses. How could anyone enjoy the sweat, the dirt, the back-breaking work? Piles of manure? Itchy hay? The long hours? Getting up before the sun? Sleeping on a hay bale next to a sickly equine charge? Staying up all night with an expectant mare?
It's because the sun doesn't hum incessantly like a florescent light and the fresh air doesn't give you a headache.
It's because working with horses brings you back to what is truly important in this life.
They will tell you what they need and you need to be present and really listen.
Here's to you, dear grooms of the world. Thank you for all that you do for the horses.
above photo is of me and my charge, Sound the Bugle, circa 1990.
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