Outline: Done. How did I want the information organized? I tried several formats before deciding on the final one.
Research: Done. This included phone interviews, e-mails, Facebook, Dodd Center for Research, American Morgan Horse Association, National Museum of the Morgan Horse, UConn Horse barn, UConn School of Ag Department of Animal Science, UVM, newspapers, magazines, websites, etc.
Illustrations: Done. About 20 of 'em--loose, freehand pencil sketches to add contrast to the photographs I obtained.
Manuscript: Done. I rewrote the whole dang book about six times.
Final Editing: Done. I met with my editor several times and made even more changes. We also labored over the sources page and the index.
Photo Scanning: Done. A big pile of archives from the Department of Animal Science---all scanned and looking brand new.
Photo Permissions: Done. May I? Thank you.
Final Design, Indexing and Layout: Done. Many, many hours of formatting, moving around, seeing what looks good, changing, tweaking, re-formatting, adding, converting, pagination. Whew.
ISBN: Purchased. That part was pretty easy.
I will never look at a book the same way again! Wow, it's A LOT of work.
Off to the publisher in about two weeks. First, I need to do a little celebrating and exhaling.
Next blog entry will be some purchasing information. I hope you are all as eager to see this book as I am!