Sunday, September 9, 2012

Nothin' left for me to do--except DANCE

I finished my sources pages yesterday. *wipes sweat from brow*

All I needed was a day with no plans, a little rain, and BAM! All done.

Now, the final draft is ready to go to Nan, my wonderful editor.

NOW that I have nothing to do but wait for the final corrections--I think I'll start another book. 


Keep reading:

Wait for it:

Here it is:

My second project will be a children's illustrated book on UC Ringmaster Titled The Great Horse. Kids love the UConn horses, why not make a book just for them?

And, I know lots of adults, such as myself, who absolutely adore children's books. Children's books are sweet, funny, imaginative, joyful, colorful, educational and just plain FUN. They are for everyone. I have quite a collection of children's books, including first editions of Marguerite Henry's beautiful masterpieces King of the Wind and Justin Morgan Had a Horse--both feature the amazing artwork of Wesley Dennis, my equine art hero. (yes, first editions--don't be jealous! *book geek alert*)

Some my other favorite children's book authors and illustrators include:

Normand Chartier--(and I met him two days ago! I've been a fan for YEARS! What a super nice guy and great artist):

Barbara McClintock--oh my...just exquisite work:

Steven Kellogg (I met him, too--I was a little kid and he was giving a drawing demo at my school. He helped ignite a creative fire in my heart):

Ricard Scarry--I grew up on his books. He passed away in 1994, and his books are still as popular as ever:

....Just to name a few.

Oh, and if you love children's books as much as I do, you NEED to go the Connecticut Children's Book Fair:

Thanks again for coming along on this exciting book journey!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

UC Serendipity

It's not everyday one gets to ride a Reserve World Champion.

Yesterday, I had the opportunity to swing a leg over the incredible UC Serendipity, 1993 Reserve World Champion Hunter, daughter of two-time World Champion, UC Ringmaster and the beloved mare, Delmaytion Desire.

I had pulled a back muscle just the day before--I rescued two cats, one of said felines was a whopping 15 pounds. And, combined with the the other smaller cat, his mother--I was hauling around nearly 25 pounds of tabby. Woke up with an "ow!" as I pitifully rolled out of bed.

But, hey, put a beautiful saddled horse in front of me and pulled back muscle be damned. I'm riding, gol dang it!

SO GLAD I did. 'Dippy' was a gracious hostess, and she trotted out beautifully. Her trot has spring and pep, and combined with that INCREDIBLY comfortable Barefoot Endurance saddle (omg I need one of these!), my back never felt a twinge. I felt as if I could ride all day, strained spine and all.

Okay, so not only did I ride this awesome mare (28 years old and you'd never know it!), I got to meet some of the famous Trail Riding Thompsons! Yes, the very ones who sing "goin' off the trails on a crazy horse!" as they trot along...or is it gallop along? Megan and Burnie, I thank you for a great morning at Depot View filled with entertaining stories, laughs and donuts.

And, much to my delight, Megan had stacks of photo albums and scrapbooks for me to peruse. JOY! Lots of UConn history in those laminated pages, including some incredible pro shots by Howard Schatzberg.

I can see why 'Dippy' won so much, she still possesses a Champion look and sparkle. Megan and Dippy were quite the superstar team. Now, UC Serendipity enjoys an active and comfortable life at Megan's farm. Her golden-red coat gleams with health.

Life is good. Ride horses!

Mama O doin' sidesaddle!

Just one more testament to the versatility of the UConn Morgan, and the Morgan breed itself.

Here is the always lovely and elegant UC Ovation rockin' it old school at the Woodstock Fair yesterday. Mama O earned a shiny red second place ribbon in a large sidesaddle class.

Hands up, who just adores this mare?
"I do, I do!" says everyone, everywhere. *grin*

Here she is again--a beautiful mare on a beautiful day. It doesn't get much better than this, really.