Thursday, June 14, 2012

UConn's Junior Stallions

There is one final chapter I must write...

I must include in my book the stories of UConn's current junior stallions UC Doc Sanchez, UC Domination and UC Mastermind. They have the distinct honor of carrying on the incredible UConn Morgan lines.

Sanchez and Domination are sons of the incredible Doc Daniels (the book's cover boy) and Mastermind is a son of the mighty Ringmaster.

Sanchez and Domination already have a few Championship titles to their names. Young, handsome AND brilliant--just doesn't get any better than that!

Thursday, June 7, 2012


Getting all the photos (and the permission to use them)organized is HARD FREAKIN' WORK (but I love this stuff--so this is NOT a complaint)! AND my designer threw some techno-jargon at me that sounds like "high res" "jay pegs" and "300 dpi." Something about "pixies" and print quality. *wink*

Okay, I am NOT that techno-ignorant, but some of this designer talk does make my head spin. So glad he's dealing with all of that--leaving it to the pro.

Speaking of pros, I have the Big Meeting with my ultra-swell  editor on Friday. She tells me my book is "fabulous." Okay, anyone who uses the term "fabulous" with me gets a gold star. Fabulous! I love it!

Here's a new pencil illustration, it's titled "Calling to the Mares."