...circa 1993. This was the year UC Ringmaster won his second World Championship. I remember reading about him and thinking how cool it was that UConn bred such an amazing horse.
This photo appeared in the UConn newspaper, The Daily Campus. They had a roving interviewer/photographer asking random students what they thought of the UConn library's construction being halted. I said something like "Well, I don't feel safe with that big ol' building wrapped up in a Hefty bag. They should finish that job right quick."
They printed this part of my response, however:
"It makes me feel increasingly unsteady, nervous and insecure."
True. It did.
The library was in a Hefty bag, though. Why? Because bricks were falling off of it. Ouch. So, yeah. I was a tad anxious any time I got near it.
My time at UConn changed my life. I made lifelong friends, had great fun and learned much.
Proud to be a Husky!
(the library has since been fixed)
(the library has since been fixed)