UC Ringmaster from many years ago--love the fall backdrop...this photo was given to me by Dr. Al Cowan. I took a little break from writing this week to recharge my batteries. My laptop power cord picked a good time to crap out on me...
While I await the arrival of my new power cord, I've kept myself busy with planning studio events.
My Holiday Open Studio is scheduled for Sat. Nov. 26 from 10am-4pm (come on down! Sound the Bugle Studio is located at 6 Kenyon Rd in GORGEOUS Hampton, Connecticut.) I love my town, can you tell?
AND my artwork will be displayed at the Willimantic Food Co-op for the month of October. The Co-op is at 91 Valley St., Willimantic, Connecticut. My UConn Morgan paintings will be there, check them out.
It's my busy season, I love fall!
I am starting to feel the urge to write again, however--so hurry up, power cord. Let's get a move on!
My mom is visiting me this weekend and she asked if we could go visit my buddy, Ringmaster. She's smitten, too.
The Great Red Horse still has many fans.